Helpful information about
Waupun, Wisconsin
Helpful information about
Waupun, Wisconsin
The highest point in the Forest Mound Cemetery has an area (the area is called "The Grand Army of the Republic" or "GAR" lot) dedicated to the graves of those who served in the Civil War. The old, bent, flag pole is being replaced and the local American Legion Post 210 Firing Squad hopes to have the new flag pole up before Memorial Day, 2010. The city of Waupun has donated the flag pole for the project. The four cannon muzzels sticking up out of the ground form a rectangle around some of the graves of civil war veterans.
Ross Nichols, Co. C, 19th U.S. Inf., Died Dec. 23, 1882
Monument Below:
The GAR, or the Grand Amy of the Republic was a veterans organization for those that served during the Civil War.
A newspaper article from the 5/21/1914 Waupun Leader said that " the march to the cemetery will be as follows: Band, school children, drum corps, comrades of the GAR, ex-soldiers and Marines, sons of veterans, etc. There would also be automobiles with president, speaker and others, fire department, civic and fraternal societies, common council in automobiles, disabled soldiers in automobiles and citizens."
Thos. Northrup,
W.H. Johnson,
T.W. Cooper,
I.B. McMullen,
Mather Barr,
J. Coach
1861 - 1865
Some have wondered about the significance of the upright cannons with the cannon balls on top. Other grave and memorial sites have similar upright cannons, some with the balls on top and some with no balls.